Scholarly Work
Software Packages


All of my software is designed to work on Linux, Mac, and Windows. If you find any of my software helpful in your research, I just ask that you please cite this webpage. Thank you!

Topic Clustering Toolkit

This toolkit allows for unsupervised structuring of unstructured qualitative data by topic. The software will determine clusters of abstract topics in your corpus based on some keywords of interest. The package contains a Docker Compose file which automatically creates and configures your working environment by combining Apache Solr, Carrot2 Workbench, and some scripts I wrote to facilitate ease of use. Requires some minimal setup, but setup and usage instructions are fully documented.

Download Here

Modular Digital Methodologies Toolkit

Forthcoming. This toolkit is a work in progress which will ask the user what digital tools they need and automatically configure a working environment based on those needs. Planned functionality includes digitization of documents with the Tesseract optical character recognition engine, language translation, science mapping analysis, performance analysis, data visualization generation, and more.

If you would like to keep up with the development progress, make your own (unsupported) build, or fork this software for your own purposes, you can view the software repository here.